Adult Life Groups
We offer a variety of age and interest-related classes.
All classes are distinguished by a caring spirit that flows from the study of God's Word and through the special relationships developed by various social activities.
Whether you are single, newly married, a young adult, or a senior-saint, you will find a class designed with you in mind. We are blessed at CEBC with a host of gifted teachers and caring adults who make our Adult Bible Study Groups the place to be on Sunday morning.
Along with the celebration we experience in the Worship Center and the teaching ministry of our pastor, Dr. Allan R. McFarland, the Adult Bible Study Groups offer additional opportunities to develop meaningful relationships and study the Word of God. Visit the Adult Bible Bible Study Group of your choice soon.
Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Bernadette Reese
Committed to building Christ-Centered marriages through prayer, the study of God's Word, fellowship one with the other and the encouragement of family devotions as God has ordained. We further commit to assist in the restoration and rebuilding of marriages, strengthening marriages and maintaining the love and joy of the Lord.
Senior Saints
Pastor George Giles & Luther Bolden
We endeavor to model our lives after the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Men's Ministries
Mr. Gary Cox
To encourage the Men of Calvary Evangelical Baptist Church to reach, evangelize, and help men become followers of Christ.
Women's Ministries
Ms. Maxine Porcher
Committed to building Christ-centered ministries for women of all ages, and to strengthening existing ministries while providing fellowship, friendship, and spirit of servitude. We further commit to assist all women in reaching their fullest potential to the Glory of God.